(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Post Game Thread] The Philadelphia 76ers (44-22) defeat the Portland Trail Blazers (31-36), 120-119. 赛后贴:费城76人(44胜22负)120-119战胜波特兰开拓者(31胜36负) 双方数据 76人(44-22):恩比德39分7篮板4助攻2抢断3盖帽、哈登19分9篮板8助攻、马克西13分4篮板2助攻、塔克2分5篮板、哈里斯8分5篮板2助攻、梅尔顿13分5助攻、尼昂12分、里德4分5篮板、麦克丹尼尔斯4分3篮板、豪斯5分。 开拓者(31-36):西蒙斯34分2助攻、利拉德22分6篮板11助攻2抢断、格兰特24分10篮板2助攻、塞布尔5分2篮板、努尔基奇11分5篮板5助攻、雷迪什14分2篮板2抢断、尤班克斯8分6篮板2盖帽。 arykoju 76ers 5 hr. ago Normal sixers unnecessary heart attack game 76人球迷:典型76人的比赛,看了要犯心脏病,可以但没必要 Arr0wmanc3r [POR] Brandon Roy 3 hr. ago Normal Blazers 21 pt blown lead game. 开拓者球迷:典型开拓者的比赛,领先20+又被逆转 Think__McFly 76ers 5 hr. ago Didn't lead for 47:58.9 and won the game. 76人球迷:1.1秒前我们都没领先过,但我们赢了 ItsKBS NBA 5 hr. ago No lead is save against the Sixers this season 球迷:领先76人再多分也不安全啊 BassElectronic6046 5 hr. ago Especially their own leads 球迷:76人自己领先时更不安全 Brianopolis-Brians 76ers 5 hr. ago Doc: hold my beer 76人球迷:老里:感觉楼上的在cue我 FultzShoulder 76ers 5 hr. ago Harder to blow a lead if there is only 1 seconds to go in the game. Doc found his new winning strategy. 76人球迷:老里找到了新的赢球宝典,还剩1秒时我才领先,这样你总不能再逆转我了吧 randomnessM [PHI] Joel Embiid 5 hr. ago Doc actually benched Harris and Tucker for the 4th quarter, tears in my eyes 76人球迷:老里末节不上哈里斯和塔克,他真的我哭死 __john_cena__ Rockets 4 hr. ago If they’re serious Harris can’t be in the closing lineup. He’s the 4th guy to touch the ball, and if he isn’t touching the ball then what do you have him out there for? Defense? 火箭球迷:76人要想好好搞就不能让哈里斯在关键时刻上场,他的球权排第4个,那你让他上去干什么呢,防守吗? SolowMid Trail Blazers 5 hr. ago Nurk. My man. Gotta make those FTs. 开拓者球迷:弩机大兄弟,你倒是把球罚进啊 Verbz Trail Blazers 4 hr. ago I was at the game tonight. First time in Philly. I was so ready to walk out with 21,000 sad 6ers fans. Nurk broke my damned heart. 开拓者球迷:我今天第一次在费城现场看球,我都准备好在21000个76人球迷面前炫耀了,弩机你伤透了我 Poopscooper696969 Lakers 5 hr. ago Embiid is the MVP and best center in the league! I don’t care what analytics say. He also dominated Jokic when they played 湖人球迷:恩比德是MVP+第一中锋,他和约基奇交手时打爆了对方 likpoper Trail Blazers 5 hr. ago This is the fucking 16th time in the season we threw a lead more than 10. 开拓者球迷:这TM已经是我们第16次领先两位数却被逆转了 loganjags11 Trail Blazers 5 hr. ago there's not a second half lead that we can't lose 开拓者球迷:不管什么领先我们都会被逆转 Few_Mulberry5372 Rockets 5 hr. ago How do you miss 4 free throws in a row man 火箭球迷:弩机大哥你是怎么连续罚丢4球的啊 likpoper Trail Blazers 5 hr. ago Been asking to trade him for years. Building the center spot around him is a joke. Fuxking ass franchise letting down dame for a decade 开拓者球迷:这些年来一直要交易他,留着他就是笑话,垃圾开拓者浪费利拉德10年巅峰 Salty_Wedding3960 5 hr. ago Sixers, Thank you. -Lakers Fans 球迷:谢谢你,湖人侠(阻挡开拓者进附加区)——湖蜜留 WheatonsGonnaScore 5 hr. ago Blazers gotta tank. Worst second half of game team i have ever seen. Also Chauncey is ass 球迷:开拓者摆烂吧,这是我见过最差的下半场,还有昌西是个垃圾教练 ttocsy Lakers 5 hr. ago Thanks MVPiid 湖人球迷:感谢你恩比德 bangsnailsandbeats NBA 5 hr. ago Is Billups a dumb coach? Why have Reddish inbound the ball? 球迷:昌西是傻帽教练吗?为什么要让雷迪什发球 rattatatouille [SAS] Tim Duncan 5 hr. ago Paid Dirk homage with that game winner. 马刺球迷:恩比德这绝杀动作是致敬诺维茨基 ScutumSobiescianum 4 hr. ago All Sixers fans need to cross all fingers, toes and hope Embiid stays healthy for the rest of the season 球迷:所有76人球迷现在都得祈祷恩比德接下来别受伤 来源:Reddit 编译:九五之猪 |
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