(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [赛后贴]洛杉矶湖人队110-111不敌达拉斯独行侠队 双方数据 湖人(34-37):浓眉26分10板3助、比斯利10分6板、拉塞尔11分2板11助、里夫斯16分5板2助、施罗德15分3板5助、布朗6分、范德比尔特7分4板、加布里埃尔9分11板2助2断、八村塁10分2断 独行侠(36-35):欧文38分6板6助、伍德12分9板8助4断、哈达威12分4板、布洛克9分4板4助、克莱伯10分4板2助、鲍威尔5分4板、格林9分2板、贝尔坦斯6分、赖特5分 [–]0Jayymeister 527 points 3 hours ago This one actually left me disgusted 湖人球迷:这场球真把我给看吐了~ [–]OerbaFang13 45 points 3 hours ago Losing is one thing but losing on a game winner is such a gut punch, especially considering how huge this game was for the standings 湖人球迷:输球是一回事儿,但是被绝杀是真的痛穿肠啊~更别说这场比赛是这么关键的排位战了!哎~ [–]0Jayymeister 39 points 3 hours ago The game was pretty much wrapped up before that AD foul 湖人球迷:浓眉三分犯规之前,这比赛都差不多稳赢了诶~哎~ [–]24HighlyBaked0 16 points 3 hours ago AD quite literally ended the season himself potentially tonight in a span of 14 game seconds 湖人球迷:比赛最后14秒,浓眉基本上是只手把湖人这赛季的天给遮瞎了~ [-] 24HighlyBaked0 343 points 3 hours ago AD deserves to get absolutely shredded. Love the dude but fouling Kleber, missing a free throw and then leaving Kleber open is one of the most pathetic chokes ive ever seen 湖人球迷:浓眉活该被骂,虽然我爱浓眉,但是他先三分犯规克莱伯,回来又罚丢一个球,最后还漏掉了克莱伯的三分绝杀,这真的是我见过最惨绝人寰的脑残行为了! [–]MambaApollo611 106 points 3 hours ago This legitimately killed my hope for the season. Whatever happens happens at this point. 湖人球迷:这场失利正式把我对这赛季微弱的希望给掐灭了…现在真的哪儿哪儿都不顺啊! [–]OldManBrom 56 points 3 hours ago Yh I’m checked out too. Will need to take a break from watching games live 湖人球迷:劳资也不奉陪了!看湖人比赛直播太折寿了,我得避一避,回一回血~ (看到了吗?都是看湖人比赛熬的) [–]magic's johnsonRedCarNewsboy 11 points 3 hours ago I had already gone through a grieving and acceptance phase of not going to the playoffs before the trade deadline happening and now this shit is happening all over again |
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