![]() [Post Game Thread] The Boston Celtics (36-15) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (23-27), 125-121 in OT. [赛后贴] 波士顿凯尔特人(36胜15负)125-121加时击败洛杉矶湖人(23胜27负) 双方关键球员数据: 湖人(23-27):詹姆斯41分9板8助、布莱恩特3分6板、贝弗利15分5板5助2断、施罗德13分2板3助、浓眉16分10板4助、威少12分4板7助、布朗2分4板、八村塁6分4板、沃克13分3板。 凯尔特人(36-15):塔图姆30分11板4助2断、杰伦37分9板3助、格威9分9板、霍福德7分3助3帽、怀特14分5板2助、布罗格登26分6板4助2断、科内特2分2板2助2帽 [–]NBAiRockaflame 1314 points 2 hours ago I can't believe this, but a LeBron led Lakers are actually getting fucked by the refs lol. Jesus christ. 球迷:实在是不敢相信,詹姆斯率领的湖人生生地被裁判给冤杀了,老天爷! [–]BucksThisGents2Cents 570 points 3 hours ago I haven’t felt this bad for the Lakers in my entire fucking life 雄鹿球迷:这一辈子,第一次这么为湖人感到心疼! [–]Clipperslsalomx 547 points 45 minutes ago The Lakers are my enemy. My nemesis. My most hated franchise. If the Lakers have a million haters, I am one of them. If they have one hater, it is me. If they have no haters, then I am no longer on this Earth. That said, Tatum clearly fouled LeBron on the game winner and this should have been a Lakers win in regulation. God damn they got shafted by the refs. 快船球迷:湖人是我最憎恶的球队,是我不共戴天的一生之敌。若百万人黑湖,我身先士卒。若只一人黑湖,我单刀赴会。若世上再无人黑湖,那便是我已入土身卒。 即便如此,我也要说,塔图姆最后一下犯规了,詹姆斯本应带领湖人取得这场胜利。天杀的裁判,瞎眼的罪犯! [–]Unique-Warning7798 430 points 2 hours ago Refs to Celtics: "I got you tonight |