(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Highlight] LeBron James is now the scoring King in the NBA [高光历史时刻]勒布朗-詹姆斯成为NBA历史得分王 [–]Lakers Lead@LakersLead TONIGHT, WE ARE ALL WITNESSES 湖人球迷:今晚,我们都是见证者! [–]PelicansBean315 564 points an hour ago If you love basketball, stuff like this is why. 鹈鹕球迷:如果你爱篮球,见证此种时刻就是爱的理由 [–]SpursGGezpzMuppy 160 points 40 minutes ago we are all witnesses, he fucking did it. The fucking hype and pressure on this guy and he became “The Chosen One” 马刺球迷:我们都是见证者,他真的做到了!铺天盖地的宣传,这家伙不知道承受了多少压力,可他仍能不负“天选之子”之名 [–]PistonsZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn 836 points an hour ago* One of the greatest moments in NBA History. Congrats to LeBron. This is probably the greatest moment most NBA fans have seen. Just think, that the last time it was set, Over 4.9 Billion people were born over the span of 40 years ago. This is what Lebron James is. An Icon, a Legend and a GOAT in the footnote of history. 活塞球迷:NBA历史最伟大时刻之一。恭喜老詹。这可能是大多数NBA球迷看到过的最伟大时刻。从贾巴尔创下得分记录算起,这近40年时间里,这个地球上出生了49亿人口。这就是勒布朗-詹姆斯的伟大,传奇偶像,历史最佳! [–]Thunderdys0n_giddey 806 points an hour ago Pretty awesome to do it in front of Kareem 雷霆球迷:当着贾巴尔的面完成这一壮举,也是无与伦比 [Highlight] LeBron James is now the scoring King in the NBA [高光历史时刻]勒布朗-詹姆斯成为NBA历史得分王 [–]76ersxychosis 416 points an hour ago The underrated thing we’re gonna forget about this in a few years’ time: he broke the record by scoring his 36th point with a minute left in the 3rd. LeBron isn’t fucking human. 76人球迷:再过几年,大家都会忘记一个被忽略的事实:老詹是在第三节就砍下了第36分,打破了记录!詹姆斯,真非人类也! [–]76ersImmynimmy 280 points an hour ago Okay but can we talk about Westbrook dribbling a ton on that one possession and then throwing up a dumb shot all while getting booed when Lebron was freaking 8 points away. Russell, bro what are you doing read the room lmao. 76人球迷:是啊,还不得不提一嘴威少,詹姆斯就差8分破纪录的时候,这家伙持球运老半天,然后浪投出手,赢得漫天嘘声。少爷啊少爷,真的是一点眼力价都没有,哈哈哈 [–][OKC] Russell WestbrookNobodyRules 2047 points 45 minutes ago* This is absolutely insane. I know we all know this was inevitable at this point, but it's still surreal how the most hyped prospect ever actually went beyond all the hype he had. To do it at 38 with such a clean and efficient game is insane. I've never seen anyone like him, and I possibly never will. What an unbelievable and historic moment we've just witnessed. 雷霆球迷:真的是无与伦比的疯狂。我知道,我们都知道,詹姆斯成就历史得分王是一个终将到来的时刻,但在这种疯狂宣传、举世瞩目的背景之下,当这一刻真正地发生在眼前时,我还是感觉那么得不真实。38岁的老将了,如此行云流水、简洁高效地完成了这一壮举。我从没有见过任何一个和他类似的人,也许此生再也不会见到了。终身难忘的历史时刻,你我共同见证。 [–]RaptorsOnlyFAANG 297 points an hour ago Lmao they actually stopped the whole game for this. His kids are on the court. This looks like a championship presentation ceremony. How can you keep playing after this? Legend 猛龙球迷:笑死了,他们真的直接暂停了比赛。老詹的孩子都进场,看起来就像是总冠军颁奖仪式,这完事还让老詹怎么继续打球啊?哈哈。传奇 [–]SunsHesiPullup 350 points 43 minutes ago There’s only one other time I’ve rooted for the Lakers and that was Kobe’s last game lol 太阳球迷:这一辈子就支持过湖人两次,这是一次,科比谢幕之战是另一次 [–]SunsAces17 1388 points an hour ago I was here to witness history being made!! Also I didn't realize how bad the lakers were until watching them 太阳球迷:我是来见证历史的!顺带一提,没看湖人比赛之前,我是真不知道湖人居然这么烂 [–]HeatMySilverBurrito 1635 points an hour ago* Despite the Lakers' best efforts, Lebron now has the most points scored in the NBA. AND WE DIDNT EVEN GET A SKYHOOK |