(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 新闻链接>>>>>>>>>>巴图姆谈威少:我也曾饱受批评 过去18个月无法反映他整个生涯 今日,巴图姆在接受采访时谈到了威少。 “在我来到这里(快船)之前,我曾被贴上了联盟最差球员的标签。这里存在一个外部情况与你是否适配的问题,这并不能定义你是一名什么样的球员。过去18个月,无法反映他整个的职业生涯。”巴图姆如此说道。 [–]Raptorsdutchfromsubway 244 points 10 hours ago I always liked batum but he was in a similar position as Westbrook. No one wants batum at 24m but batum at 10m is a steal. Westbrook at fucking 40m+ is fucking atrocious but Westbrook at 6-8m is a serviceable contract 猛龙球迷:我一直挺喜欢巴图姆,而且他曾经身处和威少一样的处境。没人愿意给巴图姆2400万年薪,但是花1000万就能拿下他的话,就相当价廉物美了。而威少的4000万年薪则极其离谱,600-800万还是相对合理一点的。 [–]NBAMintastic 2 points 4 hours ago Forget serviceable, 6-8mil for current Westbrook is a steal. 球迷:合理个屁哦,600-800万签威少就是打劫! [–]Lakersso-cal_kid 219 points 10 hours ago Batum also quit on Charlotte. Dude barely cared and gave minimal effort. Westbrook for all his flaws still plays his ass off. 湖人球迷:巴图姆当时也不想为黄蜂打球了,他压根不关心比赛,打球划水出工不出力。威少虽然缺点一堆,但是他打球特别卖力啊! [–]MavericksBigFatModeraterFupa 2 points 2 hours ago nah, westbrook goes hard when he wants to, but when he’s not engaged he literally does nothing but watch the ball. Seriously next time you watch a game with westbrook, watch him closely. He’s a liability on both ends of the court 独行侠:不不不,听我说,当威少自己想要的时候,他确实打得很努力,但如果他在状况外的话,基本就是一个站在场上看球挣钱的观众了。 可没开玩笑哦,下次有威少比赛的时候,就专盯着他一个人看,你们会发现他在攻防两端都是个坑。 [–][POR] Rudy Fernandezspittafan -2 points 4 hours ago What? Westbrook doesn't play help defense at all, and half the time is just jacking up shots. That does not count as "playing your ass off" 开拓者球迷:啥哦,威少压根就不协防,而且有一半时间在浪投。这可不能算是“特别卖力”哦。 [–]Lakersragelark -4 points 2 hours ago 6-8 mil for a turnover machine who is the worst 3 point shooter in the league? Sign me up! 湖人球迷:600-800万签一个失误机器和三分铁匠?签我签我!不就是失误和打铁吗?这是我的杀手锏啊~ [–]Cavaliersdokocha0216 5 points 5 hours ago Lakers fans are so corny, this man is not on your team anymore, it is beyond me why yall continue this crusade of dragging him. 骑士球迷:湖人球迷也太无耻了,威少都不在你们球队了,为什么还要继续在这儿说他的闲话? [–]KingsObi_Wan_KeBogi 197 points 11 hours ago We goin wild if we're comparing Russ to worst player in the NBA now. Sure if you're paying him 47 mil his value is horrible. But at whatever his next contract is he still can bring a ton of value. 国王球迷:疯了吗?拿威少和一个联盟吊车尾比?威少的4700万年薪确实比较吓人,但在下一份合同期间,相信他仍然能够做出巨大的贡献的! [–]ColdPressedSteak 80 points 10 hours ago His playmaking is still generally good and even in his declined stage, besides LeBron, he was basically the only Laker putting drive/rim pressure on the opponents D 22-25 min role on like an $6-$8 mil contract would be ideal 球迷:虽然处于下坡路,威少的组织能力还是可以的;在湖人队除了詹姆斯之外,他也基本是唯一一个能用突破攻框给对手带去防守压力的球员。花600-800万签他,让他每场打22-25分钟的,这样就比较理想。 [–]:sp8-1: Super 8yusbishyus 49 points 10 hours ago he should get more than that. if d rose can get 14m, he should be in that range. 球迷:威少可不止值这点钱,如果罗斯能拿1400万,威少也应该值这么多! [–]WarriorsRedHotDumpsterFire 2 points 4 hours ago Nah. Rose has adapted his game and knows his role and stays within it. Westbrook plays the same way he always has. 勇士球迷:不不不,罗斯接受了他如今的打法和角色,但威少眼睛一闭,一条道走到黑。 [–]San Francisco WarriorsElectricalKeyboard 1 point 2 hours ago He drove a lot more than LeBron statistically too and was the best at drawing free throws per 36. 勇士球迷:数据上看, 在湖人队威少比詹姆斯突破更多,每36分钟造犯规次数也是最多的。 [–]TheOnionWatch 7 points 7 hours ago Russ at a minimum is ridiculously cheap. He's still a plus. 球迷:给威少底薪也过分便宜了吧,他还是能提供帮助的啊! [–]BullsWrightwoodHiker -5 points 7 hours ago He’s played likes he’s worth about $40 million less than the minimum in the playoffs, though. Plus, he’s been really bad in the regular season. 公牛球迷:威少在季后赛的表现,你别说给他底薪了,倒赔球队4000万美金都不嫌多。再说,常规赛他打得也很烂的。 [–]yoppee 0 points 5 hours ago If Russell Westbrook could or can provide a ton of value a team sitting in tenth place wouldn’t have shipped his ass out the door. 球迷:试想下如果威少真的能给排名第十的球队提供很多价值,也就不会被扫地出门了~ [–]NBAjankkore 0 points 9 hours ago I agree with you. He's like poison to a team's flow and chemistry and it's like he literally cannot learn or control himself. I wouldn't want him on the roster for free if I was coaching. 球迷:同意。威少就像抑制球队节奏和化学反应的毒药,根本不肯学,也不懂怎么控制自己。如果我是教练,就算白给,我也不会把他放进阵容里面。 [–][BOS] Marcus SmartSnuggleMuffin42 1 point 6 hours ago Preachhhhhhh 凯尔特人球迷:切~不懂装懂。 [–]Ben_Simmons_ 254 points 11 hours ago* Worst contract and worst player are two very different things 本-西蒙斯球迷:依我感同身受的理解,烂合同和烂球员,是两个不一样的东西,大家要讲道理嘛~555~ [–]BucksI_am_TimsGood 33 points 9 hours ago “Really look at him. He’s a really good player. If you work really hard, you might be able to be a Nic Batum type of player.” Josh’s comment stunned Giannis into silence. After a brief pause, he basically told Josh to not even think about it. He claimed that if he ever became Nic Batum, he’d quit NBA and go back to Greece. Giannis: “If I become Nic Batum, I’m going back to Greece.” Excerpt from the Giannis book 雄鹿球迷: “看看他,他真的是个不错的球员。当你努力打球,就能达到巴图姆的水准。”约什的话让字母哥震惊以至沉默。停顿了一会儿,他想也没多想便告诉约什,他说如果他打得和巴图姆一样,他就打算离开NBA回希腊了。字母哥:“如果我变成巴图姆,我就打道回府回希腊。” 字母哥书中的节选。 [–]ClippersNomadicSifu 0 points 7 hours ago Damn what a dick by Giannis 快船球迷:妈的字母哥这只大混蛋~ [–]JazzBarbell_Flyes 43 points 11 hours ago how funny would it be for Russ to join the Clippers and knock off the Lakers in the play-ins/offs 爵士球迷:如果威少加盟快船,然后在附加赛或季后赛淘汰湖人队,那可就太有趣了~ [–]Lakerscaptain_ahabb 7 points 10 hours ago Lakers probably still have pretty good odds of making it to 10th but I'm already mostly thinking about next season. 湖人球迷:湖人可能仍然有机会进附加赛,然而我基本上已经开始展望下赛季了~ [–]LakersCaptainKurls 5 points 8 hours ago WB will thrive if he goes to the clips I’m calling it. Dude is still an elite passer and with the level of shooting they have he’ll average 8-9 assists easy 湖人球迷:如果去快船,威少肯定能重振雄风,我把话撂这儿!这哥们儿仍然是精英级别的传球手,搭配一定的射手的话,他场均能轻松拿到8-9次助攻。 [–]Payutenyodagimas 3 points 11 hours ago Problem with Russ is he still thinks he is the alpha Aside from the fact that he cant shoot 球迷:威少的问题是,他仍把自己当头牌~尽管投篮很烂~ [–]Wizardsi_will_mull_it_over 3 points 10 hours ago I'm sure alphas have trouble coming to that realization 奇才球迷:头牌都有这种执念,很难接受状态下滑的现实。 [–]ThunderLeavingtheecstasy 1 point 5 hours ago This absolutely Stars who grew up idolizing Westbrook will remember how Lakers did him 雷霆球迷:楼上说的,我不反驳!但那些从小把威少当偶像的年轻球星,会记住湖人是怎么对待威少的! [–]LakersbryanBFLYin 0 points 9 hours ago Westbrook gives 110% every single game and was probably the most consistent player on the team that was not named Lebron. We will miss him when he's gone and retired. All this slander and bullshit is so ridiculous and honestly has been making me hate nba and basketball fans. Yall foul for treating Brody and his family this way.. 湖人球迷:威少每场比赛付出110%的努力,而且湖人队出勤率最高的球员不姓詹姆斯,姓威斯布鲁克!当威少离开或者退役时,我们会想念他的!所有抹黑还有人们说的那些狗屁简直搞笑!说真的,这已经让我开始恨NBA和那些球迷了!你们这样对待威少和她的家人,令人作呕! 来源:Reddit 编译:河浪端 |