(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯) 新闻链接>>>>>>>>>全明星扣篮大赛:麦克朗双重拉杆+540度转体 满分碾压夺冠 NBA全明星扣篮大赛,76人球员麦克朗碾压夺魁。 [–]Pistonsrake2204 1103 points 4 hours ago Beautiful performance. Clearly put thought into his dunks, knew what makes a great dunk, added unique twists on a couple classics, and completed what he knew he was capable of doing. Also, turns out making your dunks on the first attempt (and with authority) makes for a great show. 活塞球迷:那就先简单做个总结,好吧?~ 《美如画》 动作注入独特想法 品味档次更属绝佳 创意藏于套路之下 稳如老狗控制得法 装逼有型而不忘形 一气呵成太好看啦 [–]MavericksDukeRadcliffe 182 points an hour ago Also didn’t use a bunch of bullshit gimmicks and props. I swear Blake Griffin and the Kia was rock bottom for the dunk contest. I loved that Mac said as long as they’ll have me back, I’ll defend the title next year. He might have actually revived this thing! 独行侠球迷:他也没搞那些花里胡哨的小套路。比如格里芬飞跃起亚汽车那次,就是扣篮大赛史上最烂的剧目,我对天发誓! 而且麦克朗说只要被邀请,明年他就会来卫冕,我一听就爱死他了,他拯救了扣篮大赛~ 新闻链接>>>>>>> |